Ski rental service

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Enterprise-class Java web application for ski rental company. This application consists of 2 modules, where 1 is the owner module and the other is the employee module.

The owner's module can:

The employeer's module can:


Business design

After creating a rental, program automatically calculates the price based on the number of days of rental (set by the owner for each ski equipment - different conversion rates for days and others for hours). After creating a rent, a PDF document with details is sent to the email address of the client's account.

After this moment, the rent changes its status to active and it is possible to return it. When generating the return document, a recalculation of prices according to the actual rental time takes place (as in the case of return, a PDF document is generated and sent to the customer's email address).

Technology design

Server was mainly created using Jakarta EE and a MySQL relational database. Database migrations were managed by Liquibase. The ORM system used was Hibernate. The client layer, on the other hand, consisted of JSP + JSTL pages and Bootstrap with the jQuery library. Blob data (reports and bar codes) are stored in Minio S3 storage with code-compatibility with AWS S3 API.

I realize that this project could have been done in Spring Boot and Thymeleaf technology, but it was mainly created to familiarize with "legacy" technologies from the old Java tech stack using best practices as I can (used "JSP Model 2" approach based on the MVC architecture).

This project is also presentation the posibilities of integration newest code integrity and deployment tools (Docker) with older approach to developing enterprise-class software.

Used technologies