Miłosz Gilga

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About me

Currently master of science student at Silesian University of Technology (faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, spec: Internet and Networking Technologies).

In january 2024 I defended Bachelor of Engineering at the same university. My thesis was about demostrate posibilities of communication in a highly distributed microservice infrastructure using Apache Kafka event-driven architecture in field of real-time communication on example of chat application.

Source code you find here.

I am currently focusing on research involving the use of wavelet transform for edge detection in practical applications of MRI image analysis, considering various levels of noise and artifacts. I intend to incorporate the results of this research into my master's thesis.



My interests are mainly focused on topics related to multimedia processing, including primarily:

I am enthusiastic of languages running on the JVM such as Java, Kotlin and Scala, but also more exotic ones such as Elixir.

I am proficient in a number of popular programming languages (Java, Kotlin, Javascript, Typescript, PHP, C#) and to a greater or lesser extent I know the basics of several other languages (Python, Scala, C++, Matlab) including those exotic (the aforementioned Elixir language).


Technologies I'm working with in my current projects:

Technologies I know and have used in the past:


Privately a homebody, enthusiast of orchestral film music, fan of hard science-fiction, Open Source software and IoT devices (Raspberry PI).